December 31, 2012

Trimmed my Sisterlocks

Pictures taken 12/03/12The picture at the top is of what my hair looked like before I went crazy with the scissors trying to get rid of the lint.  The picture down in the left hand counter is a picture of the back of my head after I cut to much.  The picture in the middle is what my hair looked like after my first retighten since cutting my hair.  The end is just the results of my hair being curled with perm rods 
 Picture taken 12/31/13 (HAPPY NEW YEARS) This is the most recent picture.  My next retighten is on Monday 1/7/13 and boy I can't wait cause after my retightening I'm going to try and do some bantu knots   
 This pictuer was taking 12/03/12 so its not that old of a picture but looking at this picture and the one of above I do notice the growth in my hair. 
Another pictue of my perm rods I really like the way my hair turns out when I use these to curl my hair/ 
 This is my hair right after my retightening back in Oct  

Re organizing somethings in life.....

Before I begin this post I wanted to wish everyone a happy healthy New Year.  Now that the New Year is here everyone is deciding what their resolutions for this year will be weight loss, taking time to enjoy family and friends more, bettering oneself educationally or spiritually, or any other things that someone can possibly think of.  For my resolution I have decided to focus on bettering myself with education and also focusing on weight loss.  During the last three months I was taking a college algebra class that I didn't pass. Which at first really got me depressed and I was contemplating giving up on my dream of becoming a RN. After watching a few people on YouTube some nursing students and others begin just regular people just giving some inspirational words. I realize that failing is not the worst thing that could happen; but giving up on my dreams would be. Since realizing this I have decide to re-evaluate my life. In doing this I hoped to find out what it is preventing me from being successful  in school.  I was able to come up with at least three factors for why I didn't pass 1. I wasn't orgnaized enough with my time to focus on class.  2. I didn't dedicate the time needed out of class to focus on my studies.  3.Lastly PURE PROCASTNATION.  These three things have plagued my student life for as long as I can remember and up until recently it's starting to bothered me more. To a point where I need to nip this in the butt.   However, with my failing this  past semester I have been doing research to figure out what how to overcome these flaws. Which are 1. I need to organize myself  to where I can study and be productive.  2. Find a study buddy to go over course material outside of class.   And put a mininum of at least two hours of study time into every course that I have.  3. Get a calendar and plan out everything from my personal life, school every quiz and test we are schedule to take, and my work schedule.  Hopfully doing all of this can me help be more successful at my studies and other aspect of my life. 

As for my weight loss I have decided to cut out all processed food.  If it doesn't come from the land or ocean I'm not putting it on the dinner table.  Instead of drinking soda I have opted to drink ice tea with lemon, plenty of ice tea, or those drink packages that you can put into your water bottle.  As far as working out goes I have decide to look into a swimming class along with joining a gym with my best friend.  You know that famous work out buddy the one who is suppose to push you even when you don't want to go.  I will also be posting pictures of my before and try to keep up with posting the picture of my transformation.

The Purpose

My photo
This blog was designed to capture the progress of my Sisterlocks. However, two years in and I have realized this blog is really to capture all the exciting moments in my life and my son's. Please take the time to visit my youtube blog at