December 2, 2010

I've been gone to long

I've been away from my blog for a while but I've been a busy bee having a baby, getting used to being a new mom, and trying to find a job. And today the Lord did bless me with a new position at a assised living. and through all this my hair has not been one of my concerns thank goodness. The last time I post anything on my blog I was getting ready for my first retightening been there done that, with 460 locks it only takes my consultant 3 hrs to do my hair which had grown an inch in a half.  I just recently had my hair retightened again and this time I went 8 weeks and it took her 3.5 hrs to do it.  However I will never go that long again in between retightening because all that new growth was driving me crazy.

The Purpose

My photo
This blog was designed to capture the progress of my Sisterlocks. However, two years in and I have realized this blog is really to capture all the exciting moments in my life and my son's. Please take the time to visit my youtube blog at