September 8, 2011

It has been a year

  Hello everyone I know its been a while since I've posted a picture and I have some to put up today since I celebrated my Lock Anniversary August 30, 31. What can I say I have truly been busy trying to adjust to being a mom still, juggling housework, work, and now I have decide to go back to school and get my BSN cause healthcare is truly where my passion is. While celebrating my locks turning a year old my son also turned 10 months the same day my locks turned a year how funny is that.

  Anywho I can't believe that's already been a year that I got my sisterlocks.  And let me say I truly love this journey I am almost completely lockd expect for few locks that keep coming out. Honestly that is truly my fault for some reason even a year later I can't seem to stop picking at a few of my locks or maybe I shouldn't use the word picking but I do love to run my finger through my hair and every once in a while I find something in my lock like lint or something and I start to pick. The consequence for my doing that is slippage and sometime the whole lock can unravel.  Which sucks when it comes to re tightening cause that's longer I have to spend in my consultants chair that means  more money I'm spending,

  Tomorrow is my re tightening I'm going to post some pictures at the bottom to show what it looks like the night and right before I wash it.  After I wash it I'm going to do a braid out which I will be wearing right up until my appointment. Picutre of my braid before and after I take it out will be coming soon and what it looks like all done.

The Purpose

My photo
This blog was designed to capture the progress of my Sisterlocks. However, two years in and I have realized this blog is really to capture all the exciting moments in my life and my son's. Please take the time to visit my youtube blog at