September 29, 2010

Retightening coming soon

I got my sisterlocks installed on August 30 & 31 it took about 22 hrs. I will be going to get my hair re tightened for the first time since my installment on Oct. 8. Looking at how much my hair has grown I think I should have made my appointment a little sooner.  However my consultant and I didn't think my hair would have grown as much as it did since I got my locks installed I will be posting pictures of my hair before my re tightening and after so you can see the difference and exactly how much it is growing .

This is the top of my head you really can't see the parting pattern anymore cause my hair has grown that much I can't wait fot my first retightening

This would be the front of my head

This is the side and yes I did start this journey with permed ends

I have a lot of growth if you ask me

The Purpose

My photo
This blog was designed to capture the progress of my Sisterlocks. However, two years in and I have realized this blog is really to capture all the exciting moments in my life and my son's. Please take the time to visit my youtube blog at